Greetings Earthlings!

I am Beverly Kho living in North side, Manila.
My name means "Woman from the beaver meadow" which explains why I look like this.
I have once lived with Anne Frank back in the 1930's. I am allergic to powder and as a result, I have never felt non-sticky.
I have my own river named 'Emotion'. I have once felt isolated from this world and tried to fit in with the Egyptians.

If anybody has anymore questions beyond art, music, duplication, relevance, obsessions, literature,
heartbreak, disillusionment, love, death, the future, confusion, delusions, homosexuals, sleep machines,
mundanes, eco-friendly and vegetarians, please don't Google my name or ask your "friend who knows about me".
Call me at your Mom's house, I'll be there having a powder party.

Ok, enough about that. As you can see, this blog is filled with Incubus that's because
I AM a big big fan of them. I look up to them and they serve as my inspiration (Sometimes my distraction. Hi Brandon)

Besides BB and Incubus, I enjoy the sights of...

Oh, and by the way, if your not using Mozilla Firefox, you won't be able to view my posts.



"The world is a drought when out of love
Please come back to us
You're all of the above
I'm making a choice to be out of touch
Leave me be he said, he said, he said,
Leave me here in my stark, raving, sick, sad little world!"

"We're both aligned in framed of mind but circumstance has got us good
And now you’re seeing a side of me I wished no one ever would
Yeah, if it's right to pick a fight, we’re fingers in a sugar bowl
Love isn’t perfect, even diamonds start out as coal"

"Should I apologize
If what I say burns your ears and stains your eyes?
Oh, did I crack your shell?
When it falls away, you'll see we exist as well!"

"I suggest we learn to love ourselves before it's made illegal
When will we learn? When will we change?
Just in time to see it all come down..."

"Was it something I said
Something I read and manifested that's getting you down
Don't you dare come to bed with that ambiguous look in your eye
I'd sooner sleep by an open fire and wake up fried"

"There's something about the look in your eyes
Something I noticed when the light was just right
It reminded me twice that I was alive
And it reminded me that you're so worth the fight"

"Could there be a familiar ring every time I sing about.
Cycle the tears everything in life no doubt I, I.
Reiterate till my jaw is offset,
But I'll say it again anyway,
What you give is what you get!"

"I take a look around; it´s evident the scene has changed.
And there are times when I feel improved, improved upon the past.
Then there are times when I can´t seem to understand at all
and yes it seems as though I´m goin nowhere...
really fucking fast, nowhere fast."

"I'm thinking of my soul severity
And I know everything you hate in me
Fill me up with over-pious badgerate
Throw them up; one of my favorite things"

"I hear you on the radio
You permeate my screen, its' unkind but
If I met you in a scissor fight
I'd cut off both your wings on principle alone"

"Hello!? I'm trying to focus
But my eyes deceive me.
Focus. I'm witnessing history...repeating."

"Picture the scene, where whatever you thought,
would, in the blink of an eye, manifest and become illustrated.
You'd be sure man that every line drawn reflected a life that you loved
not an existence that you hated.
So, must we demonstrate that we can't get it straight?
We've painted a picture, now we're drowning in the paint.
Let's figure out what the fuck it's about,
before the picture we painted chews us up and spits us out."

"There'd be no one to answer to
and complicate our lives,
we could be
the epitome of self sufficience."

"It isn't fair to mention, but it awes the crowd
Your fictional, plastic alibi
So take another hit, steal another line
Did you ever meet a leech who was good at goodbyes?"

"In my fantasy, I’m a Pantomime
I'll just move my hands and everyone sees what I mean
Words are too messy, and it’s way past time
To end in my mouth paint my face white and tried
To reinvent the sea, one wave a time
Speak without my voice and see the world by candlelight"

"I saw you standing in my headlights
I thought I’d run you down for the weight you left on me
Instead I punched rewind, reversed and drove away
And seeing you disappear in my rear view
brought to me the word 'reciprocity'"

"You stare at me like I'm a vitamin.
On the surface you hate,
but you know you need me.
I come dressed as any pill you deem fit.
Whatever helps you swallow the truth
all the more easily"

"My secret arsenal
is an infinite, ageless inkwell
it's a fountian of youth
and a patriot's weapon of choice."

"Enough bowing down to disillusion
Hats off and applause to rogues and evolution
The ripple effect is too good not to mention
If you're not affected, you’re not paying attention
It's too good, it's too good, not to have an effect"

"I see you in line, dragging your feet
you have my sympathy.
The day you were born, you were born free.
That is your privilege."

"Mend this careless thread, it's gone askew
(Thread on my sweater is pendulous, step back and pull it
Watch it unravel faster than a speeding bullet)"

"I'm at the end of my report again
For those who won't do apathy
You had the perfect opportunity
But plead the fifth and walked away"

"What if I was just dreaming? What if I lived in a pear?
What if I had a mustard drenched cucumber tied to my leg."

"Disconnect and let me drift until my upside down is right side in
Society must let the artist go to wander off into the nebula"

"Two weeks without my lover,
I'm in this boat alone
Floating down a river named Emotion
Will I make it back to shore or drift into the unknown."

"If this is right, I'd rather be wrong.
If this is sight, I'd rather be blind."

"Out of line, and indivisible
A crow left of the murder
Every piece contains a map of it all"

"You came, you saw, you conquered...everyone
And I'm left here guessing
Oh what went wrong"

"Kiss the sand goodbye because
the tide is coming up and in
yeah, water, water, water everywhere
and every chance to sink!"

"High fives to a better judgment
By saying less today, I will gain more
Low twos to you my fickle friend
Who brought the art of silent war"

"Some people fall in love and touch the sky
Some people fall in love and find quicksand
I hover somewhere in between
I swear…
I can’t make up my mind."

"Wake up everyone
How can you sleep at a time like this
Unless the dreamer is the real you
Listen to your voice
The one that tells you to taste past the tip of your tongue
Leap and the net will appear."

"I dream
that someday we'll be able to look back
on this together and say
It was for the best and that it
made us stronger today."

"All of my life
Where have you been
I wonder if I'll ever see you again
And if that day comes
I know we could win
I wonder if I'll ever see you again."

"He said Hey Sister.
It’s really really nice to meet ya.
I just met this 5 foot 7 guy who’s just my type.
I like the way he’s speaking his confidence is peaking.
Don’t like his baggy jeans but Imma like what’s underneath it.
And no I aint been to MIA
I heard that Cali never rains and New York heart awaits.
First let’s see the west end.
I’ll show you to my bridrens.
I’m likin' this American Boy. American Boy."

"You better think fast, think fast
'Cause you never know what's coming round the bend.
You better not blink, or breathe.
For consequence is a bigger word than you think."

"Put down your hollow tips
And kiss your lover's lips
And know that fate is what you make of it."

"'Cause' what I want
and what I need
is and will always be free."





Saturday, September 27, 2008 ' 9:32 PM
I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away...

possibly maybe

Ok, so I'm taking my UA&P entrance exam tomorrow! And I only found out about it last night! Yikes! I just asked somebody to pass my form for me. So, unfortunately, I chased on the deadline so my form was last minute, which explains why all of this is last minute! Haha. Brrreeettthhheee. Not that nervous actually. Or...I think I'm not.
I think I have had enough of the studying-one-day-before-the-exam habit. Yea, that doesn't work.

Went to PCJ chapel early this morning to pray for this exam. So, I hope I pass, but it's ok if I won't.


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Sunday, September 21, 2008 ' 3:45 PM
I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away...


I need to go! Why? 1st: Super fabulous store, Make Love Not War is a part of this event. And I've been dying to go to that store.
2nd: Mara Reyes of Project Runway Philippines will showcase her 2nd collection. I love Mara Reyes. I think she is just...genius.

If I won't able to go, Oh no, bye bye dreamy finds.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008 ' 9:12 PM
I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away...

Happy Birthday, Es!

September 12, 1991

Her birthday was celebrated on the 13th of September at Tropezz bar in Greenbelt. The party was surprisingly fun. Come to think that there were old folks blending in with us. Hahaha. I invited some friends. Lauren, Mike, Luis, Ruth together with Chris and Reuben came and some family friends like Jv and Mara. I met Mara's Japanese brother, um...forgot his name. It was fun naman. Me and my folks just chilled and talked at an isolated area. Hahaha. We danced to the tune of "Dancing Queen" and some old hits. It was kinda fun actually. Hahaha.

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Friday, September 19, 2008 ' 8:04 PM
I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away...

Hello Campers!

I've been busy lately which makes me super lazy to update this thing. It's not like I want to, I HAVE TO. Hahaha. Kidding.

So three weeks ago, specifically August 22 (Days before Mike's End.>Vaccum on Aug. 30), I downloaded Mike Einziger's one-hour interview on Loveline radio with Dr. Drew Pinsky and Ted Stryker. Listening to it gave me shivers and I felt that I was at the actual place of the interview. Loveline is somewhat similar to those cheesy "Dr. Love" radio stations. Except this one lacks the cheesy part. People would call and ask advice from Dr. Drew Pinsky about their um...problems. Some are straight to the point but Dr. Drew answers very professionally. Mikey even gave advice! Hahaha.

Info I got from the interview:
  • End.>Vacuum means "End of our perception of what life is and how it returns itself to the vacuum of space where it came from."
  • Jose's sister, Nadia Pasillas is a part of the orchestra where she plays the flute during End.>Vacuum
  • Mikey wants to watch the movie, "Tropic Thunder"...which makes me want to watch it too!
  • Mikey finds these two videos hilarious:
Matt Damon does Matthew McConaughey on Letterman

Family Guys' Stewie bashes on Matthew

What's with Matthew McConaughey? I don't know either. He just popped out of their conversation. Haha.
  • Jose's baby was named Frankie Rose Pasillas. The first Incubus baby. Remember? Hahaha.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008 ' 9:04 PM
I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away...

A look back on the past

"Ang Panday" on Abs-Cbn

It's an old film from the 1980's starring Fernando Poe Jr. and my mom as the leading lady. Who is my mom? Go figure.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008 ' 9:07 PM
I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away...

Innah Patricia E. Calimbahin

I would like to greet my bestfriend a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY! She turns 16 today!
I've been missing her the second she left. Every time I'm in a happy and fun situation, I'd always wish that she was here to enjoy it with me. She doesn't know how much I miss her. If only she was here, everything would be a LOT better.

Even if we've only became friends for one year, it seems like we've been friends forever. You don't know how much I miss you. Your stories, your 'hirits', your laugh, your comments (bad and good. haha), and lastly, YOU. We'll see each other someday, ok? I'm just an email away if ever you need somebody to talk to about anything! I'm always present to listen.



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Monday, September 8, 2008 ' 10:15 PM
I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away...

...if only I wasn't a million miles away

Mr. Musichead Rock Art Gallery
7511 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046
September 8th - 27th
Monday through Saturday from 11am - 6pm

Brandon Boyd has shown for many years that he is an ever-morphing artist who possesses an innate accessibility. Insight into his journey was begun to be explored in his two previously released diary/journalistic books. In 2003, "White Fluffy Clouds: Found Inspiration Moving Forward" was published, and soon followed by "From The Murks Of The Sultry Abyss" in 2007. Brandon cites artists Aubrey Beardsley, Egon Schiele, Robert Anton Wilson, and Helmut Newton as a few of the artists that have had a profound influence on his work.
This event will showcase original paintings, musings and sketches and is the first solo display of his work.

...yet another magical event with me NOT in it. Hooray.

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Sunday, September 7, 2008 ' 9:42 PM
I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away...

17, 18, 19

This is a super late birthday post.
I would just like to give a shoutout to Reb! Her birthday was on the 17th of August. Celebrated at the 16th. I know it is overdue, but at least I still bothered to make a birthday post for her! HAHA.

Next, is to one of my bestest friends, Ruth. Hers' was on the 18th. We may not see each other often but we still find ways to stay in touch. Miss you Crums!

And last, to my betch, Lauren! Hers' was on the 19th. We hang-out 7 times a week! In short, everyday! HAHA. Love you, Lau!

That necklace she's wearing in the picture was a gift from me, which according to her, was the only gift she received from her friends. Aww.

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Friday, September 5, 2008 ' 9:29 PM
I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away...

one more prick then it's over.

Annoying grabe. Puro mali. Mali mali mali. Wala nang nagawang tama. Instead of helping, she just makes the situation WORSE. The only thing visible to her sight are my mistakes. My achievements are nothing to her.
Di niya alam, habang nagwi-wish na siya for someone better in my place, I'm doing the same thing.
I take that back,
masyadong masama.

Nakoo. Isa nalang talaga.


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